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About the RWWWFB

Dear Colleagues,

We hope that you are all staying healthy and enjoying life despite the difficult circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In accordance with the COVID-19 situation, most of international conferences and meeting are being held via video.
In 2020, the technical committee of IWWWFB decided to realize the idea of Prof.Newman to hold a regular seminar on water wave and floating bodies,
and accordingly a regular webinar about 3~4 times in a year is planned.
We name it RWWWFB (Regular Webinar of Water Waves and Floating Bodies) and announce its inception.

Attendance of RWWWFB is possible through a simple on-line registration,
and the web-link address of RWWWFB will be delivered to the registered email address later.
If you have any question, please feel free to contact Prof. Yonghwan Kim of Seoul National University.


The seventh RWWWFB has been held as follows:

Date: 28, May, 2024
Time: 11:00~13:15GMT (London 12:00, Boston 07:00, Seoul/Tokyo 20:00, Sydney 21:00, Trondheim 13:00)

(1) M. Greco: Green Water - An environmentally-friendly name for a potentially-dangerous phenomenon
(2) M. Meylan: Using Frequency Domain Solutions to Solve in the Time Domain

To register, subscribe your information.

(Note: It is recommended that you are on either Google Chrome or Firefox when signing up for the IWWWFB Newsletter.)

Previous Lecture

  • 1 (December, 2021)
  • (1) J.N.Newman
    Title : Water Waves and Floating Bodies - Ancestors, Mentors and Colleagues
    (2) D.V.Evans and R.Porter
    Title : The magic circle - Remarkable results for cylinders in waves

  • 2 (March, 2022)
  • (1) J.Grue
    Title : Upstream Influence
    (2) A.Korobkin
    Title : Violent Hydroelasticity

  • 3 (May, 2022)
  • (1) Odd. M Faltinsen
    Title : Hydrodynamic aspects of salmon farming
    (2) B. Molin
    Title : Third-order effects in wave-body interaction

  • 4 (December, 2022)
  • (1) Masashi Kashiwagi
    Title : Added resistance using experimental unsteady wave-pattern analysis
    (2) Xiao-Bo Chen
    Title : Solutions and challenges of linear seakeeping problems of a ship with forward speed

  • 5 (April, 2023)
  • (1) Paul Sclavounos
    Title : Topics in Nonlinear Marine Hydrodynamics and Ocean Renewable Energy Conversion
    (2) Sime Malenica
    Title : ρgz! Not so simple

  • 6 (November, 2023)
  • (1) D.K.P. Yue & G. Tokic
    Title : Optimal Hydrodynamic Interactions of Large Arrays for Wave Power Extraction
    (2) J. Zang
    Title : Violent Wave Impact on Offshore Wind Turbine Foundation

  • 7 (May, 2024)
  • (1) M. Greco
    Title : Green Water - An environmentally-friendly name for a potentially-dangerous phenomenon
    (2) M. Meylan
    Title : Using Frequency Domain Solutions to Solve in the Time Domain


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